Remove the Hario V60 and serve in a warm mug/cup. You should have about 10 – 12 oz of coffee. Enjoy!
Take your filter and grounds out of the V60 and let it drain into the sink. Compost if possible. Clean with hot water.
Tastes too weak or sour? Water drained out too quick? Grind your coffee a little finer.
Tastes too strong so bitter? Water didn’t drain out in time? Grind your coffee a little coarser.
We prefer a coffee:water ratio of 1:17 but you may prefer a 1:16. There’s no right or wrong, it’s all about your personal preferences. Tweak this recipe to your liking and find your coffee’s sweet spot.
Not seeing the bubbles on your bloom? You need some fresh-roasted coffee. Coffee is best within 14 days of the roast date.